About the event

The Midwest is a key region for the future of hydrogen in the U.S. Developers currently are advancing >53,000 MW of wind and solar capacity in the Midwest – wind now makes up more than 20% of the region’s installed capacity, and solar is on the rise. This (plus the region’s extensive nuclear power resources), means that amble carbon-free energy is available to drive the production of clean hydrogen in the Midwest.

Additionally, more than 20% of U.S. crude oil refining capacity is in the Midwest, and U.S. refineries are the country’s major consumers of hydrogen (20% of H2 demand for U.S. refineries is in the Midwest).* Up to 14 MMT of H2 annually may be needed close to pure CO2 sources for e-fuel production, mostly in the Midwest. Furthermore, hard-to-decarbonize industrial segments (e.g. steel making, chemicals, cement, etc) are centered to a large extent in the Midwest, thereby creating additional hydrogen demand in the region. Demand for synthetic fuel production with CO2 sources can create significant H2 demand, and the majority of synthetic fuel production (e.g., Ethanol, ammonia) is in the Midwest. For these reasons and more, the Midwest is uniquely positioned to be a critical market in the emerging U.S. hydrogen economy.

To help technology innovators, regulators, investors and other stakeholders realize the potential of the hydrogen economy in the region, the Midwest Clean Hydrogen Strategy and Innovation Forum will convene industry leaders on November 14-15, 2023 in Chicago for two days of information-sharing and networking. The goal of the Forum is to help key players understand the challenges and opportunities of advancing hydrogen in the Midwest, and to develop an action plan for moving forward. Industry stakeholders are invited to participate in the discussions and foster relationships with potential partners in the move toward a vibrant hydrogen ecosystem in the Midwest.


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14 November 2023 - 15 November 2023
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